Online voting is important and Votta helps you achieve your online voting needs with the following features;- Voter anonymity: voters cannot be linked to their choices ensuring security and transparency of the vote.
- No vote duplication: Voters cannot vote more than once for the same position
- Voters can only vote in the elections in which they are part of the voter base.
- Secure voting: votes can only be cast by an authenticated user.
- Simple voting: Voters only have to click one button to cast a vote.
- Bulk user insert: insert all your organization's users in one go so you are up and running asap.
- User management: easily manage system users, for example activating and deactivating users.
- User grouping in divisions and sub-divisions: Create divisions and sub divisions based on your organization set up.
- Run elections for specific divisions or sub divisions only.
- Bulk divisions/sub-divisions insert: Get up and running in one go with bulk insert feature for divisions and sub divisions.
- Manage elections: Create, edit, update, delete elections.
- Manage posts: Create, edit, update, delete election posts. Attach posts to an election.
- Manage candidates: Create, edit, update, delete candidates. Attach candidates to the posts they are standing for.
- Set start and end dates for elections: The election is only accepts votes during its validity period.
- Pause elections: Pause an election while it's still within the voting period. No votes can be cast while the election is paused.
- View election results: view results of elections as while they are still running.
- Transparency: Vote timestamps are recorded.
- Reports: view results of past and ongoing elections.
- Export election results to Excel.
- Admin Dashboard.
- Well designed UI that makes the system easy to use and intuitive.
- Responsive design based on Bootstrap 5.
Project information
- Category: Web
- Client: In house product
- Project date: 17 Oct, 2022
- Project URL: To Project
About Votta
Votta is a perfect tool to for your online voting needs. The system will work best in a school or organization set up where you need to run simple elections among the staff like class president, employee of the month, best dressed puppy etc. It provides a nice clear UI that is easy to use and navigate. If your are a school, organization or business, you and your staff/students will enjoy using Votta for elections in house.
Tech Stack
- PHP 8.1.0
- Laravel 8
- Bootstrap 5
- JQuery 3.2
- MySQL 5
Make Votta E-Voting System Yours
- Application Files
- Documentation
- SQL Database File
- 3 months Support
- Customization
- Application Files
- Documentation
- SQL Database File
- 3 months Support
- Customization
- Application Files
- Documentation
- SQL Database File
- 3 months Support
- Customization